Ucl Poker Society
Ucl Poker Society 2020
About this groupUCLU Poker Society is now in its 6th year as a UCLU society and after the success of last year, this year only promises more and more fun. Last year, we organised a record 19 weekly tournaments. We also attended a London University Poker Tournament, organised a Charity Poker Tournament with the African Caribbean Society (ACS) and took a 15 students team to Coventry to represent UCL at the UK Student Poker Championship (UKSPC). But, it was not just about the poker, Poker Society FC made their debut in the IMS 5-a-side Football League and finished unbeaten. Our efforts were indeed recognised at the Societies Colours and Award nights where two of our committee members received awards and the society received a nomination for Most Developed Society of the Year. We currently have an ongoing volunteering scheme with GoodGym where we help the community while keeping fit. We also aim to take a bigger team down to the UKSPC. To be kept up to date with everything that is coming up at PokerSoc, join our facebook group (http://tinyurl.com/6jqovrz) and sign up to the mailing list (http://groupspaces.com/uclupoker/).
Create a site like this for your own group. Ucl Poker Society FreeThe UCL History Society was founded in 2007. Its mission is to help its members progress academically, enrich their university experience and give them a helping hand into the graduate world. Working closely with departmental staff, the committee organises a number of events and socials each year. Last year, we organised a record 19 weekly tournaments. We also attended a London University Poker Tournament, organised a Charity Poker Tournament with the African Caribbean Society (ACS) and took a 15 students team to Coventry to represent UCL at the UK Student Poker Championship (UKSPC). |